1942 Born in Alba, Italy
1965 Graduated with honors in Sculpture at Accademia Albertina in Turin, later Dean of Sculpture School until 2002
1966 Solo show: Riccardo Cordero, Ferrari Gallery in Verona; invited to the Biennale of Sonsbeek, Gemeentemuseum, Arnhem (Netherlands)
1971 First price in a national competition for the realization of one sculpture to be placed in a public area in Turin.
About 50 competitions for public artworks won and realized until today
1972 IX Biennial of Menton (France)
1975 VIII Biennale del metallo, Gubbio (Italy)
1978 Invited to XLVIII Venice Biennale (Italy) with a group of sculptures
1979 Solo show: Riccardo Cordero, La Bussola Gallery, Turin (Italy)
1984 Solo show: Riccardo Cordero, Gallery 32 in Milan (Italy)
1993 Solo show: Sculptures et dessins 1987 to 1993, Maison des Arts et Loisirs, Thonon-les-bains and Le Dome, Albertville (France)
1993 Sculpture: Grande ferro, Lookout Foundation, Pennsylvania, USA
1997 Solo show: Il pensiero della scultura, Conference Centre, Alba (Italy)
2000 Solo show: In the same space, Cordero-King-Venet, Automobile Museum, Turin (Italy)
2001 The eye of the storm, Villa dei Laghi, Venaria Reale (Italy)
2005 Sculpture: Meteora, Shanghai Sculpture Park , China. Invited to realize the sculpture in place in Guilin, China
2005 Solo show: Du projet à la réalisation, Galerie ò Quai des Arts, Vevey (Switzerland) and invited to the XIV Quadriennale in Rome
2006 Sculpture: Comet for the Rose Garden Park in Taiwan, invited again to realize in place
2007 Solo show: Riccardo Cordero, opere 1960-2007, itinerant exhibition in Buenos Aires, Monte0video and Sao Paulo do Brasil, South America
2010 University of Taiwan, Master in Sculpture. Culture Ministry of Kurdistan, Sculpture Lectures in Erbil and Soulimania, Iraq
2011 LIV Biennale of Venice, Italia Pavillon, Regional Science Museum of Torino (Italy)
2012 Solo show: Macromondi spezzati, Castelpergine, (Italy)
Sculpture-fountain: Iron and water, Novara (Italy)
2013 Solo show: Riccardo Cordero, Giganti dell’età del ferro 1960-2013, Caraglio (Italy)
2014 20 Jahre Galerie Wohlhüter, Leibertingen-Thalheim (Germany),
Stahl Werk, Skulptur & Zeichnung, Kreissparkasse, Rottweil (Germany)
2014 14 Sculture da camera, Riccardo Cordero e Masayuki Koorida, Casa Toesca, Rivarolo Torinese
Sculpture: Grande segno nel cielo, 2014 Kaohsiung, Taiwan (R.O.C)
2015 Schweizerische Triennale der Skulptur, Bad Ragaz (Switzerland) and
Vaduz (Liechtenstein)
2015 Silent dialogues, Cermak Eisenkraft Gallery, Prague (Czech Republic)
lebt in Turin

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